Wednesday, December 26, 2012

An ear to the ground, Reality check on the Delhi Rape movement

Rape is murder of the soul 

A normal Delhi night, a girl and her friend going home after a movie,  boarded a bus from Munirka, little did they know it would change their life forever. The girl was gang raped by six with uttermost brutality and force. The guy who accompanied her was hit with an iron rod and left to witness the heinous crime. All these events unfolded in a moving bus crossing dozens of people as it went by, unaware were all those who saw the bus go, that the devil was at work inside and the lives of two innocent people would never be the same.
Damini,Amanat,Nirbhaya, symbolic names given to the victim of the gang rape by different media channels is currently in a very critical condition . After the removal of her intestine due to gangrene, Damini has improved and the ventilator has been removed yet her life hangs in the balance.

Lathi charge at the innocent people protesting peacefully at India Gate

The politicians keep talking, making hollow statements and gestures in a desperate attempt to calm the outraged people of Delhi and of the country. The protest yet marches on defying the chilling whether, people have moved on from India Gate where the protest took a dark turn towards violence where the police threw teargas grenades and injured many with lathi charge, people have moved to Jantar mantar where people still show up unafraid by the police and their water cannons and unmoved by the hollow remarks of the netas .The protest yet marches on but what reform?

Protesters at India gate bravely facing water cannons 

Rape cases need to be dealt in fast track courts that is unquestionable but the severity of punishment is a matter highly debated everyday in news channels. Should the rapists be hanged? Is chemical castration the option? Or is life sentence enough? Chemical castration the most logical option is also facing competition with capital punishment, which I believe is justified in rarest of rare rape cases where a man rapes in a gruesome and inhuman manner and leaves the victim for dead or where the victim is killed post the rape.
 Will the movement sustain? That’s the big question! Will we see consistency and passion among the protesters or will it fade away like Anna Hazare and Ram Dev? Politicians with their sly tongues and crocodile tears are trying their best to calm the nation down but the fire amongst the protesters shines bright on streets and even overt the net but this battle can only be won with consistency and perseverance, the anger and outrage of the common man needs to be channeled into putting pressure on the government, which has to bow down to the people and realize that democracy is FOR the PEOPLE and not for a select few in power who suck the aam admi till there is no life left! 

The horror of a 3 yr old girl raped in play school has left Delhi  in shock

More shame for Delhi, a 3 year old girl drugged and raped in a play school by the owners husband ! The little girl is in a state of shock after the incident and has stopped speaking.

In India a girl is raped every 54 minutes and the conviction rate Is just 26%! The SDM is claiming that the Delhi police tried to tamper with the statement of the victim Damini, Sheila Dikshit has requested Sushil Kumar Shinde ( Home minister) that the police commissioner should be sacked because of acquisitions by the SDM, the opposition is quick at pointing fingers, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi  out of the picture and  all our honorable PM Manmohan Singh could say was #Theekhai  !
While the politics goes on as usual it is we the people of the country who need to step out of the comfort of our homes and get out on the streets and raise our voices!
 If u do not step out for the rape victims, you become a victim yourself! 

1 comment:

  1. Sonia Gandhi extended the word limit of Manmohan Singh for two words. So #ThikHai was only he could say. Nice post though, keep doing. I am in love with this blog.
