Saturday, April 20, 2013


Irritated of that constant ringing ?
Mobile phone as they were earlier called is a Grand Business now. Needless to say it is of much importance and I can not stress enough, how different world would be or rather was when their was no cell phone or rather any phone for that matter. People lived in a community acted like one and I must say were as close to each other as one can get, which can not be said about today.


Today people are more close to the person on their phone rather than the one in front of them and when that person from the phone comes face to face we are then close to someone else on the phone! This is the cycle of twisted communication that we humans today have adopted and it ain't going anywhere.

My recent frustration towards these always “buzzing” objects came to be, after the realization that the time wasted on a phone causes the real life to stop.We are know dependent on a phone to tell us what to do, when to wake up e.t.c but beyond its few merits like emergency calls and crisis it is waste of precious time and death of personalisation . 

God knows how many bucks people actually spend on these things! Its unbelievable..THE NEW I PHONE, GOT TO HAVE IT ! and they make new ones like every other year, I think and yeah they make oceans of that green paper.

I personally feel cell phones should have a time limit that restricts calling beyond a certain point which would increase “real” conversations and mobiles would be used only for emergencies and not to show how “busy” we are .
I declare April to be a cell free month at least for me .So if u call me and I don’t pick then that means I have stuck to my statement and I am doing real and productive things rather than talking on the new “idiot box” .

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